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Full paper submission in English is expected. All manuscripts must be prepared in the standard IEEE Conference Proceedings format and limited to 4-6 pages of A4 form in PDF format. Please use 10 points and Time New Roman font. In the beginning, to submit a paper for single-blind peer review. At this stage, your paper will not have author’s names and affiliations, or postal addresses.. Each manuscript must contain an abstract of about 150 words.

  • The online submission site is in the EDAS system.
  • How to embed all the fonts in a PDF file

  • Manuscript Template

    Please note that: the length of the paper should be 4-6 pages. The paper will proceed with blind reviews, therefore please ensure to remove the author names and affiliations before uploading.

    Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings

  • Microsoft Manuscript Template
  • LaTex Manuscript Template | Bibliography Files

  • Plagiarism Information

    Please note that the accepted papers for publication in the IEEE Xplore database should not have a similarity score beyond 30% (Normally, it should be less than 25%).

    Research Paper Topics

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Augmented and Virtual Reality
  • Bio-medical Informatics
  • Cloud Service and Computing
  • Communications and Networking
  • Computer Animation and Game
  • Control Systems and Automation
  • Data Science and Analytics
  • Database Technology
  • Devices, Circuits, and Systems
  • Digital Multimedia Technology
  • E-Commerce, E-Education, E-Government, E-Industry, E-Society
  • Electrical Power Systems
  • Full Self-Driving
  • Geo-Informatics
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Image Processing
  • Intelligence Communications
  • Internet of Things
  • IT and Mobile Application
  • IT and Project Management
  • IT in Education
  • IT Security and Privacy
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Network Security and Privacy
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Platform Technologies
  • Power Electronics
  • Quantum Computing
  • Robotics
  • Signal Processing
  • Smart and Expert Systems
  • Smart Antenna
  • Web and Internet Technologies
  • Wireless and Mobile Networks
  • Other Related Topics